Prevention of Lassa fever relies on promoting good community hygiene to discourage rodents from entering homes The Nigeria Centre for Disease Control and partners led by the World Health Organisation (WHO) continue to intensify their response to the current Lassa… Continue Reading →
Nigeria is one of the 14 countries in the world listed as being high burdened for tuberculosis Nigeria government and development partners, including World Health Organization (WHO), are assiduously fighting the scourge of tuberculosis (TB) in a series of sensitization… Continue Reading →
Analysis revealed that sub-Saharan Africa, has experienced a decline in the prevalence of P. falciparum from 40% prevalence between 1900 and 1929 to 24% prevalence between 2010 and 2015. Researchers across various fields have traced the relationship between malariology and the… Continue Reading →
Sub-Saharan Africa is the region with the greatest burden of under-five mortality in the world, Nigeria has the highest under-the-counter mortality in the world. Every year, millions of children die before their fifth birthday, mostly from preventable causes such as… Continue Reading →
An ambitious new strategy to reduce deaths from cholera by 90% by 2030 launches today. The world is embracing universal health coverage, good health for all and today, a target is set to eradicate cholera for good. Cholera is a… Continue Reading →
NCDC, and NPHCDA are working closely with WHO, MSF, UNICEF and other humanitarian agencies in Borno, to support the State Government in curtailing the spread of the outbreak. On the 16th of August 2017, the Nigeria Centre for Disease Control… Continue Reading →
In its pilot phase, AlertClinic seeks to tackle Malaria, Lassa fever, Diarrheal Diseases and Polio. Lagos State Ministry of Health and the Primary Healthcare Board in collaboration with EpidAlert seek to use technology to reorganize communities around disasters prevention, warning, response and recovery. We… Continue Reading →
The laboratory has tested more than 22,000 samples in the recent 12 months’ period with over 99.9% of accurate identification of poliovirus. The world has made grand progress in the eradication of polio. Nigeria has not recorded any new cases of… Continue Reading →
Every rainy season brings the possibility of an outbreak of diarrhoeal diseases. Germs spread easily from an unhygienic environment to food and water sources. Flooding may cause the contamination of water sources. How then do you protect yourself and family… Continue Reading →
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