
June 2017

Technology to Foster Universal Health Coverage, WHO Africa Considers

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Integrating technology into Africa’s healthcare systems is key to opening them up faster to the poorest and most vulnerable people, the World Health Organization’s Africa director said. Using more technology presents a “big opportunity” for rolling out universal health coverage… Continue Reading →

#StayAlert Week 11: An Insightful Roller Coaster of Events

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What did you do differently this week? While you spent the week flowing with work, the world was zooming to another level in the race towards global health security. This week, Nigeria is proud to host its first Joint External… Continue Reading →

“I came to the Nigerian JEE process expecting a challenging time”- Interview with Dr Okereke, a JEE External Assessor

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There have been a lot of activities across West Africa towards strengthening health systems and capacities of countries to protect the health of their countries and the subregion collectively. Nigeria is leading the way in some of the regional reforms,… Continue Reading →

Nigeria Completed Joint External Evaluation (JEE): The ball is now in play

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In the words of the Dr. Ambrose Talisuna, who led the WHO External Expert team, Nigeria’s assessment process is high quality… In the recent past, countries would conduct a self-assessment of their capacities to prevent, detect and respond to disease… Continue Reading →

How ‘E’ Becomes our Most Favourite Letter in the Alphabet, JEE says it all!

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The Joint External Evaluation (JEE) is a voluntary, collaborative process to assess a country’s capacity under the International Health Regulations (IHR) to prevent, detect, and rapidly respond to public health threats. Since 2014, there has been a growing number of… Continue Reading →

Become Our Exclusive Beta Tester

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EpidAlert just completed the beta version of a mobile application called AlertClinic. This application hopes to address a broken component of disease prevention and surveillance systems. Read more about the AlertClinic System HERE. Communication bridges the gap between the public… Continue Reading →

#StayAlert Week 10: The Numbers Always Tell a Story

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A report by World Bank compared the cost of financing pandemic preparedness with the cost of responding to an outbreak. Nations spend far more to respond to a disease than to prevent it in the first place. In preparation for… Continue Reading →

A Story of Community Building: AlertClinic by EpidAlert

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What single denominator unites software developer, the security guard at his office and the market vendor who sells tomatoes to his wife? #AlertClinic Mr Adekunle is a Software Developer, Mr. Ciroma is a Security Guard and Madam Amarachi sells vegetables at… Continue Reading →

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