

Using Untested Drugs On Africans

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    The worst known outbreak of the meningitis epidemic inSub-Saharan Africa occurred in Northern Nigeria in 1996. Cases were in excess of 100,000, disproportionately affecting children, and left over 12,000 peopledead. In the wake of this unprecedented epidemic, Pfizer,… Continue Reading →

Life Inside the Ebola Lock Down

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    Once, when I had my 2nd year medical professional exams coming up, I decided I would stay at home for one straight week. That was inDecember, during the Christmas season. I needed to study and I couldn’t afford… Continue Reading →

My Ebola Story

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June 5, 2014. It was in the middle of a busy day when Theophilus walked into our office. He had a story to share. It was a story of hope, faith and survival. In the end, he agreed to share… Continue Reading →

Deploying Ebola Alert Technologies in Solving Social & Health Challenges – Our Meeting with Private Sector Health Alliance of Nigeria.

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  If you’re still thinking that SocialMedia is only about networking or that technology is only for the geeks, then brace yourself for surprises. On 18th of February, Ebola Alert leadership met with Prof. Muhammad Ali Pate, former Minister of… Continue Reading →

The Role of Social Media in Containing Ebola – Our Feature on

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  Beyond the social space, Social Media has been playing a major role in shaping the world around us, healthcare inclusive. Ebola Alert’s CEO, Dr. Lawal Bakare was recently interviewed by’s Lou Del Bello on the role of Ebola… Continue Reading →

Dealing with post Ebola complacency

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    ‘It came, we saw and we conquered.’ This is how the average Nigerian sees Ebola – a once menacing threat that has departed from their world,never to return; leaving in its wake martyrs, memorable jokes and lots of… Continue Reading →

Scaling Up Ebola Alert Operations in West Africa – Our Meeting with Nollywood Workshops

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  Dr. Lawal Bakare, CEO Ebola Alert in an interview session with Nollywood Workshops. What role does Filmmaking have to play in Ebola management? Today’s meeting with The Nollywood Workshops is the answer to that question. The Nollywood Workshop team,… Continue Reading →

Is Airport Screening Tight Enough?

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  This question made the rounds of international news feeds inthe last days of 2014,  when a ScottishNurse, Pauline Cafferkey, cleared by airport screening at the Heathrow Airport, United Kingdom, came down with the Ebola infection. She had returned via… Continue Reading →

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