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On Monday, 13th April 2015, an outbreak occurred in Ondo State, Nigeria, affecting a total of 20 people and leaving 17 dead within 24 hours of onset. The outbreak was code-named #OndoX on social media. Amid fears of a recurrence of Ebola in Nigeria, the Ondo State Ministry of Health held a tweet chat yesterday, to attend to questions from the general public – you can view a storified version here. The Ondo State arm of the Nigerian Medical Association also released a statement yesterday giving updates on the outbreak. Below is an excerpt:

Common issues with them was history of taking shots mixed with some roots and ingestion of drugs from chemist. Occupation varied… all currently blind after initial weakness. Fresh urine and blood samples have been taken from these cases today for toxicology studies in two separate labs. Also some samples of the drinks were taken for analysis. 
All living cases are to be transferred to University College Hospital (UCH) for advanced care. Summarily, it is not an infectious disease. Toxicity of some sort is the likely cause.
To help you understand better the outbreak in Ondo State, Nigeria, here are a few points you need to know:
  • #OndoX outbreak started on Monday 13th April 2015
  • There is no known name for #OndoX outbreak yet.
  • Symptoms include: headache, blurred vision, loss of sight, loss of consciousness and eventually death within 24 hours.
  • There have been 20 cases in all: 17 dead, 3 alive. Those alive are being managed conservatively.
  • There have been no new cases in the last 48 hours.
  • #OndoX is not a viral disease and has not been established as an infectious disease outbreak.
  • There is no need for quarantine as #OndoX is not an infectious disease
  • #OndoX outbreak is not Ebola.
  • For suspected cases, contact: WHO (08033720966), LGA DSNO (08112524793), The State Epidemiologist (08062078384)


The Ebola Alert Team

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