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As Possible Sexual Transmission of Ebola surfaces, we share sexual behaviour of West Africa’s most affected age group.

On May 8, 2015, the CDC published a report detailing an investigation of case whose only epidemiological link to Ebola: unprotected vaginal intercourse with a survivor.

While the evidence of Sexual Transmission is not very strong yet, it might be noteworthy that the virus has been isolated in semen of survivors up to 82 days after they contracted the virus.

This infograph shares some data from the current outbreak that might interest those following Sexual Health and Ebola. The most affected age group (15-44 years, male & female) are the sexually active and most reproductive segment of the population. It is very key to also note that persons in this age group have shown risky sexual behaviour which potential STIs.

Given available evidence, we believe this is a very important time to include Sexual reorientation, education and support for people in affected countries. This will not be restricted to survivors alone, it is a population health issue, it is worthy of serious regional and global health consideration.

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