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The World Health Organisation (WHO) has just published an important Interim Guidance which is targeted at health workers providing care for Ebola in pregnancy.

According to the global agency, “there is no evidence to show that women who survive Ebola virus disease (EVD) and subsequently become pregnant pose a risk for Ebola virus transmission. However, pregnant women with active EVD and pregnant women who survive EVD without pregnancy loss may transmit the virus during delivery and/or management of obstetric complications. Pregnant women who are contacts of confirmed Ebola cases pose a potential risk.”

This has been identified as a key challenge to care providers and can worsen the maternal health situation reported in communities that are prone to major Ebola outbreaks.

Visit the resources for healthcare workers section of EbolaAlert.org to download the Interim Guidance. It will also be useful in training sessions and also as a clinical governance protocol to ensure teams, clinics and institutions are doing the right things.

The guideline details:

  1. Screening and triage of pregnant women in the context of an Ebola outbreak
  2. IPC precautions for pregnant women at risk of EVD transmission during childbirth and complication management
  3. Management of pregnant EVD cases, contacts and survivors
  4. and available evidence on lactation and EVD.

Click on the image below to download now:


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