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It is evening in a city somewhere in West Africa when Rita and Kunle follow the breaking news on TV about Ebola virus that is spreading from Guinea to other countries. They want to protect their communities but they don’t know what to do. The hospital started to receive the first patients and the doctor will guide Rita on how to support their community. With this app and through the guidance of the characters along the adventure, the user will achieve different levels of knowledge until becoming master of Ebola.

This is AllAgainstEbola, the app that Médecins Sans Frontières Spain in collaboration with Riceupstudio has designed and developed. The purpose is to contribute to reduce the risk of transmission of ebola by increasing the knowledge of the population on the disease. We are aware that this tool is aimed to a specific population that has access to computers and digital skills. But we observed that this ebola epidemic was extended among urban areas where different platforms of communications were available, so we want to take advantage of this, combining the use of digital media and ludic platforms to pass messages fast and effectively.

With the support of EbolaAlert we are testing the app to introduce the improvements from the feedback of the users. We want to invite you to support us to disseminate it and test it among your colleagues at work, friend, family and actors involved in health promotion, education and communication. With your participation and feedback you will help us to assess the potentiality of this type of tool.

You will find it in: https://www.allagainstebola.org

Please join us on the test!

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