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The Ebola Outbreak in West Africa created an environment that necessitated the creation of EbolaAlert that applied new media technologies for several purposes but evidently reporting, and citizen’s engagement. It currently passes as a case study for how Africans can apply digital communication tools to open opportunities for Africans and the rest of the world.

Digital migration has presented public broadcasters with opportunities in the content-creation and provision space to determine the type of content Africans want to view – storytelling about Africa by Africans. This conference is an opportunity for public broadcasters in the region to review the purpose of their content – whether it is relevant to the needs of Africans in a globalised world, and if it speaks to the growth potential of African youth and inspires the continent’s peoples.

Join us for a conference presented by the Southern African Broadcasting Association and the Public Media Alliance: the Saba 3rd Africa & Digitalisation Conference & 23rd AGM and PMA Africa Regional Meeting, to be hosted by the Rwanda Broadcasting Agency in Kigali, Rwanda

For more information about the conference visit:



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