The Ebola crisis and its aftermath continue to challenge health workers and health systems in West Africa. Governments and international organizations that support health workers are seeking answers for how they can restore health services in West Africa, strengthen health… Continue Reading →
The UNFPA estimates that in Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone, more than 800,000 women will give birth in the next 12 months. Of these, more than 120,000 could die of complications in pregnancy and childbirth if life-saving emergency obstetric care… Continue Reading →
Large populations across borders affected, over 6800 lives lost, hundreds of new infections daily. Over a billion dollars in estimated expenditure on direct health costs, human resources and logistics from numerous governments, international organizations and not for profit… Continue Reading →
The worst known outbreak of the meningitis epidemic inSub-Saharan Africa occurred in Northern Nigeria in 1996. Cases were in excess of 100,000, disproportionately affecting children, and left over 12,000 peopledead. In the wake of this unprecedented epidemic, Pfizer,… Continue Reading →
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