
Joint External Evaluation

“I came to the Nigerian JEE process expecting a challenging time”- Interview with Dr Okereke, a JEE External Assessor

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There have been a lot of activities across West Africa towards strengthening health systems and capacities of countries to protect the health of their countries and the subregion collectively. Nigeria is leading the way in some of the regional reforms,… Continue Reading →

How ‘E’ Becomes our Most Favourite Letter in the Alphabet, JEE says it all!

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The Joint External Evaluation (JEE) is a voluntary, collaborative process to assess a country’s capacity under the International Health Regulations (IHR) to prevent, detect, and rapidly respond to public health threats. Since 2014, there has been a growing number of… Continue Reading →

#StayAlert Week 9: This Week Was Africa Week

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This week, was truly #AfricaWeek. A new Director-General of WHO has just been elected, as the individual who is to steer the affairs of the global health agency for the next five years has emerged from Africa. Likewise, the world… Continue Reading →

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